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20 Moffat Drive
Covington Township PA 18444

Phone: (570) 241-1196
Mindy Hughes, Secretary

Robert Oltmann, Chairman
David W. Hess, Vice-Chairman
Jason Zielinski
Chet Havenstrite, Jr.
William R. Willson
James Hailstone – Esquire, Solicitor

Downloadable information can be found under Forms & Ordinances (above).

About Meetings

Covington Township Planning Commission holds their regular meetings on the third Wednesday of each month and Work Sessions on the first Wednesday of each month at the Moffat Estate, 20 Moffat Drive, Covington Township, PA at 7:00 pm (unless otherwise noted).  Notice of meeting date changes and/or additional special meetings will be posted on this web site and on the Municipal Office door.

Planning Commission meetings are public meetings and all interested persons are encouraged to attend.

Members of the public are invited to speak during the “Public Comment” portion at the beginning and end of every meeting.  The public is also given the opportunity to comment on ordinances prior to final adoption.

If you plan to address the Planning Commission, please bear in mind that you will be asked to limit your comments to five minutes.  Succinct, constructive comments and a respectful tone are greatly appreciated and create an appropriate decision making environment.

It is requested that during the meeting all cell phones and electronic devices are turned off.  It is also requested that all gentlemen remove their hats.