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P.O. Box 660 (20 Moffat Drive)
Moscow, PA 18444

Phone: (570) 840-0725 
Kate Tierney, Township Real Estate Tax Collector

There are no public office hours. Please MAIL all tax payments to:
Tax Collector
P O Box 660
Moscow, PA 18444


Do I need a receipt for tax payments?
When remitting tax payments, it is not always necessary to obtain a receipt. Your canceled check will act as a receipt. However, if you remit your payment with cash and desire a receipt, or specifically request a receipt for your records, you must enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

May I remit my taxes using a drop box?
Currently the township does not utilize a drop box.

May I use a credit card for remitting tax payments?
The office does not accept credit/debit card payments.

Should I notify the Tax Collector’s Office when I relocate?
Yes. When you relocate, please notify the Tax Collector’s Office, in writing, of your new address to insure your tax bills are sent to the correct address.

What is the best method to remit my taxes?
The best method to remit your tax payment is to mail your check or money order payment to the address found on the tax invoice.  Your canceled check will then act as your receipt.

When are my township real estate taxes due?
In the discount period, by May 15th;  At face/base period, by July 15th;  Or in penalty, by December 31st. Office hours are listed above.

Where can I appeal my taxes?
You can contact the Lackawanna County Assessors Office at (570) 963-6728 or log onto the County’s Official Website for more information at

Why should I make remitting my property taxes a priority?
Making your tax payments a priority is extremely important. By remitting your taxes on time, you help to keep the tax rate down for the following year.


The board of supervisors is accepting letters of interest for the position of board supervisor. Letters should be submitted to the municipal office by February 28, 2025.