NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Hearing Board of Covington Township, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania at 6:30 p.m. on October 19, 2023 at the Covington Township Building, 20 Moffat Drive, Covington Township, PA 18444 for the purpose of receiving evidence and hearing testimony concerning the Application for a Zoning Variance-Sign by ETK Jr. Realty, LP/Kost Tire and Auto Service for the use of the real property located at 940 Drinker Turnpike (Covington Township), PA 18444 with Tax Parcel No. 212-02-030-001.03. At issue are the requests for relief under the Covington Township Zoning Ordinance sections 404.4 C-1-General Commercial District, 504-Signs, 504.A2-Business Signs, 504.2(L) General Sign Regulations-Revolving Signs and 608.3-Variances. The property is located in a C-1-General Commercial District of the Covington Township Zoning Ordinance.
If you have any objection to said requests for relief, you should be present at said time and place as stated above to make your objection known to the Zoning Hearing Board or be represented by an attorney at that hearing.
Robert P. Sheils, III, Esquire
Solicitor for Covington Township
Zoning Hearing Board